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Favorite Moments of 2017

I tend to get sentimental over even the smallest of things. The turning of a New Year is definitely a time when I like to reflect and refresh. 2017 contained a little of it all- blessings, death, birth, illness, happiness, injury, busyness, and lots of love!

Here are some of my favorite moments of 2017:

1. One Year Anniversary Trip

One of my favorite things ever is to vacation with Andrew. There is just something about being away from home and exploring a new place together that gives me all the feels! We visited Charleston and Savannah to celebrate one year of marriage. You can read about that trip here. One of the things I am looking forward to most in 2018 is our second anniversary trip! I have been planning it for months- any guesses where this trip upcoming trip will take us?

2. Becoming an Aunt

On March 22, 2017, our precious nephew was born! It's crazy to think what Sprecher family time consisted of before him. We are smitten and hope that he always knows his Aunt Mere and Uncle Andrew love him dearly!

3. Jamaica turned Mexico trip with friends

Like I said, we love to travel! Taking a couple's trip was one of the best decisions we made in 2017. We actually booked this trip in January 2017 and took the vacation in September. A vacation to remember, that's for sure! Check out my post about this trip here.

4. St. Jude Marathon Weekend

This summer, I got a text from Andrew saying "I just signed us both up for the St. Jude Half Marathon." WHAT! If you know me at all, you know that I run nowhere fast. I do like to work out, so I thought surely I could train for the race. Sometime in October, I realized there was no way I was going to be running a Half Marathon, so I switched to the 5k and was able to run my race and cheer on Andrew! While it was no easy feat, he made it, and it is definitely one of my 2017 highlights! I cannot describe the feeling I felt running through St. Jude. Being able to take part in such an incredible event for an amazing cause is something I will never forget!

5. Seeing Hamilton

When work took me to Chicago, I wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity for some fun! I was able to sneak away one night to see Hamilton, and I am so glad that I did. What an incredible show! You can read more about my trip here.

6. Watching my little sisters thrive!

My sisters are seriously my world, and I am obsessed with them. Katherine is a senior in high school. This year, I got to watch her walk on Homecoming Court. In 2018, I am looking forward to watching her begin her time at Mississippi State. Anna is a junior at Mississippi State. For her fall break this year, she spent a long weekend in Memphis. It was one of my favorite weekends, and I am so glad that she wanted to spend some time with her sister and brother-in-law. Anna was recently selected to serve Chi Omega as Recruitment Chair. I cannot wait to watch her thrive!

7. Seeing one of my best friends get married- and all the celebrating that goes along with it.

One of the best things about lots of weddings is that you get to see your friends often! My friend, Ashlynn, got married this past June. We had such a fun Memphis weekend for her bachelorette trip that you can read about here. Her "something borrowed" was a hand strung pearl bracelet made by my mom that I wore in my wedding. I also had the pleasure of making earrings for the bridal party and designing the logo on her programs!

8. Celebrating Andrew becoming a CPA!

After what seemed like an eternity of nights spent studying, sweet Andrew passed all four exams and is now a CPA! I couldn't be more excited for him, and I am especially glad that he can relax after a long day of work instead of studying.

9. Tailgating at Dawgaritaville!

Mississippi State is one of my favorite places ever! Getting to go back for home games to tailgate with family and friends is always a favorite of mine!

10. Expanding my jewelry side-hustle!

2017 has brought growth like I could have never dreamed! Some people don't know that jewelry actually just started as a hobby. I love my day job in marketing at a corporate office here in Memphis, but I am thankful for my hobby turned side-hustle. It has been such a blessing to see hard work pay off, and I am looking forward to coming up with new styles and seeing what new opportunities 2018 brings!

Thanks for following along! Bring it, 2018!

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