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Hi, I'm Meredith! Welcome to MM Jewels. Thanks for stopping by! A Mississippi girl at heart (Hail State!), I now live in Memphis, TN with my husband, Andrew.


All of my life, I have been surrounded by the creative talent of a number of people, namely my mother and grandmother. My grandmother started her own jewelry business many years ago. Following in her footsteps, at just 15 years old, my mom began her own business. Throughout my whole life, I have watched my mom spend hours making hair bows and designing new jewelry pieces for her wonderful business, Memorie & Company.


My family has always said that one of my mom's 3 daughters must follow the family trend and start their own jewelry business. I jokingly always claimed that I would probably be the one to continue the trend...


I have secretly always wanted to have my own side business or to do something unique and fun. After completing grad school, I was not able to stop dreaming of my own little business! After finally deciding to take the plunge, I spent a few weeks planning, gathering supplies, creating custom jewelry pieces, and drafting blog ideas. After years of dreams and weeks of planning, I finally opened shop in September 2016!




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