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The Windy City

Last week, work took me to Chicago! I will never complain when work takes me to a fun city like Chicago.

While the majority of the trip was spent working, I did get to sneak in some time to explore. Upon arriving, I headed straight for pizza and the Magnificent Mile! I was told by multiple people en route to Chicago that Giordano's was the place to go, so I headed straight there. It was good, but I do hate to say it, I am a bit partial to the New York style pizza. Regardless, it was still delicious! Following lunch, I hit a few of the stores along the Magnificent Mile. I also visited Eately and grabbed some coffee beans for Andrew while I was there. We have recently gotten into grinding our own beans and French pressing our coffee, so I thought this was the perfect little happy.

That night after dinner with my co-workers, I bolted across town to see Hamilton. Soon after finding out I was visiting Chicago for work, I searched for tickets. Prior to seeing the show, I was not a huge fan (terrible, I know)- hip hop just really isn't my thing. After seeing the show, I have had a complete change of heart. Hamilton was incredible! In fact, I am listening to it as I type this! Seeing Hamilton was definitely the highlight of my trip- I would even venture to say it was a highlight of all of 2017!

And yes, I went to the play alone!

This was my first time visiting Chicago, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Another spoon added to my collection...

This weekend, we are headed out to see our beloved Bulldogs stomp Alabama (a girl can dream, right?). I'll be out the door on another work trip come Monday- life will slow down eventually, right? :)

Stay tuned for some fun upcoming holiday posts and maybe even some exclusive discounts!

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