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(No) Trouble in Paradise: Secrets Playa Mujeres

It's now been over a month since we went on our Jamaica-turned-Mexico vacation. What an amazing, whirl wind of a week it was! A warning before you read too far into this- it's going to be a bit long-winded :)

In January, a group of friends of ours booked a trip to Jamaica. We had been counting down the days until Jamaica ever since.

FINALLY, it came time for us to pack our bags! Unfortunately, multiple hurricanes arose the week before our trip. We were all pretty weary, but after checking the weather constantly and working with our travel agent, we felt confident that we could still make it to Jamaica safely.

The Saturday we were set to leave finally came! As we headed to the airport, we still felt a little uneasy, but no cancellations had occurred and everything seemed to be fine, so we hopped on the plane to our connecting flight in Dallas. As soon as the plane touched down in Dallas, we turned on our phones to a message that no one wants to see- All flights to Jamaica have been cancelled. WHAT! Panic, of course, set in. After 3 hours of back and forth with American Airlines, our wonderful travel agent, and the travel insurance company, we had flight and accommodations booked in Cancun!! After all the craziness, we called Saturday a wash on trying to get to paradise and decided to take a day to rest and reset. We ended up having a night in Dallas, which was actually really fun, since Andrew and our friend, Jack, that was travelling with us had never been to Dallas.

Sunday, we finally arrived in Paradise- Mexico, not Jamaica- at Secrets Playa Mujeres Resort!

While we didn't get to stay at the resort that we had originally spent hours selecting, the resort where we landed was perfect for us! If you ever find yourself at this resort, prepare for an incredible vacation! Our rooms were kept clean, and we had a great balcony with a beautiful view of the ocean. Our crazy travel landed us a room upgrade, which we happily accepted.

The resort certainly didn't lack in energy or entertainment- water balloon fights, karaoke nights, volleyball, water aerobics and zumba, drink tastings- they sure did keep us busy! The staff was absolutely incredible! We became friends with two staff members on the Entertainment Team, who ensured we never had a dull moment on the trip. Meet our friends Gus and Ross!

As most people do at all-inclusive resorts, we ate way too much. One of the restaurants, Portifino, served the best bread I have ever had in my life! For lunch, my favorite was the Market Cafe, which consisted of a buffet filled with a wide variety of foods. I'm a sucker for a good buffet... Ice cream for dessert every day after lunch? I'm in! Being the coffee lover that I am, the coffee shop, CoCo Cafe, was also a favorite of mine. They also served the most delicious key lime pie tarts! It's safe to say the unlimited food and drinks were enjoyed by all.

I even got to snag a few pictures of jewelry!

The unlimited food and fun was definitely amazing, but the best part was getting to make memories with some of our great friends. We all agreed that we must do more trips like this in the future- maybe the Jamaica trip will happen one day!

Viva Mexico!

Mexico, thanks for the memories, you'll be seeing us again!

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