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Friday Favorites: Happy St. Patty's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Friday!

I skipped a week of Friday Favorites, but I am back in action after a busy weekend and week.

Last weekend, Andrew and I had a little getaway to Little Rock. We bought tickets for Phantom of the Opera months ago, so this past weekend has been highly anticipated. We both love Broadway shows and neither of us had seen Phantom before (despite knowing most of the music). It was a wonderful show, and we had so much fun! Before the play, we met my family for dinner for an early birthday celebration for me- tomorrow is the big 24! We stayed at the Capital Hotel Downtown, which is where Andrew and I actually stayed for the first few days of our Honeymoon before we hopped on a plane to the Dominican. They never fail to make you feel like royalty!

I have been busy working on jewelry, per usual. Over the past few weeks, I have added quite a few new designs and also worked on updating my stock. From the new "Hope" necklace to fun tassel earrings, I am loving wearing these new styles!

Andrew and I have a new addiction to Spaghetti Squash. We both like to at least feel like we try to be semi-healthy, and this helps us I think. I made this dish last week, and Andrew immediately asked for more Spaghetti Squash, leading me to make this one this week! YUM- and so easy!

This weekend we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our precious nephew! We cannot wait for him to make his grand entrance. I have a feeling Aunt life will be the best!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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