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Friday Favorites

Ever since opening up my little shop, I have wanted to find a way to implement the blog more into my weekly routine. While blogging obviously isn’t the root of my shop, I really enjoy writing!

Friday is my favorite day of the (work) week! One of the bloggers that I love to follow, Kathleen Barnes at Carrie Bradshaw Lied, does a weekly “Friday’s Five” blog post that I look forward to every Friday. Inspired by her, I am beginning my own version- Friday Favorites!

Each week there is something to be thankful for or something fun to remember- whether it be a new restaurant, a vacation, a new experience, or maybe a new piece of jewelry ;) Here, I will begin sharing my Friday Favorites. Let’s see where this takes us…

This past week was a special week with Valentine’s Day! My husband, Andrew, treated me to a fancy dinner out at Flight Restaurant in Downtown Memphis. Of course we didn’t take any good pictures, but it was so nice to hit the town to celebrate an early Valentine’s Day. I highly recommend the Steak Flight (the elk was awesome!) and "The Peanut Shoppe" Brownie for dessert.

A new favorite product! Ok, not going to lie, I was hesitant about this one. A lipstick that stays on ALL day, that is kiss-proof and smudge-proof? I wasn’t buying it…. Until I was added to approximately 3253246 Facebook groups led by some REALLY great girls swearing by this product. With approximately 3253246 people telling me I HAD to have it, I caved, and I really do LOVE IT! I got the Caramel Latte, and I am thrilled with my purchase! It stays on all day, and I love not having to reapply throughout the work day. When I left work the other day, I took a peek at my lips in the mirror and noticed my Lipsense still looked as good as new- I’m SOLD!

On actual Valentine’s Day, Andrew and I spent a quiet night at home. He works late during this time of year, and we didn't want to fight the crowds, so we opted for a fun night in! For Christmas, my in laws gifted us a Fondue Set. We had so much fun trying fondue at home for the first time! My favorite was definitely the dessert! Chocolate dipped everything- YUM!

You didn’t think I could end this without mentioning jewelry did you?! My new favorite product is this Elongated Bar Necklace. I love how you can layer it with practically anything! Don't forget to shop my Etsy store for 20% off until Monday!

What was your favorite part of this week? I hope you all had a wonderful week filled with extra love, and I hope you'll be back for more Friday Favorites!



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