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2016: What a Year!

2016 was probably one of the busiest, craziest, most fun, and exciting years I will ever have IN MY LIFE!

I graduated with a Master of Business Administration degree from Mississippi State, bought a house, got married in June, moved to Memphis, started my new big girl job at ServiceMaster headquarters here in Memphis, went on a number of fun trips, and of course, started Modern Memories!

Finishing school was a definite milestone, and as much as I hated leaving Starkville, Mississippi, knowing I had a husband, house, and job waiting for me in Memphis made the move a little bit easier! We got married in June in my hometown of Monticello, Arkansas. It was the absolute perfect day (no, everything did not go perfectly as planned), but to us, we couldn't have asked for anything more! The best part about getting married (I mean, besides having a life partner, getting to live with your best friend, etc.) is the honeymoon. Andrew and I honeymooned in Punta Cana Dominican Republic at the Excellence Resort- and might I add, it was sure Excelente!

After the honeymoon was over, we jumped into the "real world" fast, and I mean fast! The day after we got back from the honeymoon, I started my first day of work. Fortunately, I absolutely love my job, so adjusting to the working world has been smooth sailing so far!

Fall and Winter stayed busy! We traveled to every Mississippi State game we could, regardless of the less than stellar season we were having. I got to travel to Destin and Chattanooga to celebrate two of my best friends getting married, which later led to me getting to celebrate the weddings of these special friends! My dear friend is also currently Miss Mississippi, so my friends and I got the awesome opportunity to travel to Atlantic City to watch her in the Miss America Pageant- talk about a dream! It was so cool to get to see the pageant I grew up watching, and even better, with one of my best friends on the stage!

Hail State!

Our Miss Mississippi after a wonderful performance at Miss America

I ended the year with a girls trip to NYC. My mom, sisters, and I left the boys at home to have a girls NYC trip filled with Broadway plays, the Nutcracker, and of course, lots of food!

Somewhere in the midst of all that excitement, I also embarked on a new adventure- my jewelry line, Modern Memories! I am someone who has to be busy at all times. When I found myself with free time at night, I decided I was going to do something creative and useful with my time. I told Andrew I was going to start making jewelry like my mom. I'm not sure if he believed me at first, but when weird packages of jewelry supplies started coming in the mail every day, I think he got the point that I was serious! Since "opening shop" on September 8, I have had the best time creating and selling jewelry! It is almost therapeutic to me, and I get a burst of excitement with each new order!

I have spent time planning and thinking about 2017 over the past few days. For example, I just opened a "Wedding Shop" that focuses on bridal and bridesmaid jewelry. I cannot wait to continue expanding this line!

Wedding Jewelry, Bridal Jewelry

A new year brings about new ideas and exciting plans for the future! I have new jewelry, giveaways, promotions, and events planned, and I cannot wait to share it all with you!

2016, you sure were a good one! Bring it on 2017! I hope all of you continue following along :)

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