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How Modern Memories Came To Be

I have always enjoyed finding ways to be creative. For many years, I have dreamed of following in the footsteps of my grandmother and mom to start my own business. Over the past few months, my desire to actually fulfill my dream has reached an all time high. The only problem was finding the guts to get this dream off the ground.

It wasn't until I found myself alone in my hotel room one night while on a business trip that I decided to take the plunge. (Don't get the wrong idea here. I absolutely LOVE my day job. However, with a husband that has to study nearly all waking hours of the day (No good, dirty rotten CPA exam!), after the working day is done, dinner is on the table, and the house is at least semi picked up, I found myself with time and a strong desire to put my creative side to use!) I was sitting in my hotel room and turned on the TV to one of my favorite shows - Shark Tank! The episode featured an 11 year old - you heard me, an 11 year old! - that had started his own business selling homemade dog treats. I, being the avid google-er I am, of course googled this kid to learn more. This 11 year old kid had the guts to start his own business, not to mention was even brave enough to present his idea to the Sharks! To check out the kid that inspired me, treat your pup to one of the treats here.

After getting major inspiration from Shark Tank, I texted my mom asking for her best tips and jewelry suppliers. That night, I ordered my first round of supplies. It was so fun to gather supplies and begin the planning. I quickly realized that I needed a business name and a logo. Since my mom and her business, Memorie and Company, is what inspired me, I knew I had to find a way to use the name Memorie in the name of my business- thus, leading me to the alliteration, Modern Memories. I am so excited to be sharing my new jewelry business with you all and maybe a few fun blog posts along the way!

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date!

Thanks for reading!

love, meredith

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